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September 2019

Almonte FibreFest

September 7, 2019 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
|Recurring Show (See all)

An event every day that begins at 10:00 am, repeating until September 8, 2019

Almonte Arena, 182 Bridge Street
Almonte, Ontario K0A1A0 Canada
+ Google Map

When the kids head back to school and the first hint of autumn is on the air, Almonte starts gearing up for its favourite fall festival: Fibrefest! This year’s event — the 23nd annual celebration of the fibre arts. Local guilds will demonstrate spinning, knitting, weaving, rug hooking, lacemaking, smocking and quilting. Vendors include spinners, weavers, and fibre artists from across the province, as well as quilt shops and alpaca farms. And at 4pm on September 9, hundreds of felted…

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