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Something New Edinburgh

Where community, artists and one-of-a-kind craftsmanship meet. Shop over 30 vendors and enjoy lunch courtesy of Angry Dragonz food truck. Find everything handmade from live wreaths to recycled wool mittens; paintings to bracelets; wrapping paper to soap; weavings to pottery! Admission is absolutely free.

Craft Market at SMH

This craft market is an opportunity for local crafters to sell their homemade products in time for the holiday season. This event will also help SMH raise funds for the work they do to support Ottawa area young parents and their children.

Solstice-Light up the Night/Éclaire la Nuit!

Quartier Vanier BIA – QVBIA , Vanier Community Association / L’Association communautaire de Vanier invite you to help us light up the darkest night of the year on December 21 from 4 PM-9PM. Bring your lantern, warm up by our giant bonfire, take in fire performances, shop at our pop up holiday market and help us bring light to the longest night of the year!

Santa’s Helpers Mini Market

Please join 14 vendors to do some Christmas shopping while supporting our cause of purchasing presents for forgotten seniors this Christmas to give them a little cheer:)

We have crafters and vendors ready to help you pick that “Perfect” gift!

It is in the large party room in the Desloges coop apartment building and we will have a raffle to win one of many wonderful prizes.


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