We’re coming back atcha April 29 – May 3 with some fresh new brands, some local fun, and an easy + safe way for you to continue to shop local (right in time for Mother’s Day shopping!).
We’ll be announcing the brands in the coming days, a few changes to our delivery + curbside pickup process, and some fun things to do with mom.
OVE – Local Ottawa Valley Events invites you to celebrate MOM!
Crystal Palace will have local artisans, crafters, bakers and more!
Bring Mom By the BARN for a cup of tea and a little shopping.
Both floors will be filled with vendors.
Cash BAR
Stay for lunch!
After an incredibly successful Holiday market at the NAC we have collaborated with the team at the NAC to once again fill their atrium with local brands + creative talent. The date is May 11th from 10-5 and coincides with tulip fest + Mothers Day.