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Bayridge Public School Craft and Bake Sale

The Bayridge Public School, School Council is hosting our 4th Annual Craft & Bake Sale! Join us on Saturday December 1st between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to find a one of a kind gift.

In addition to many talented artisans, our sale will feature a silent auction, a bake sale, a kids zone and more.

Youth Unlimited’s Christmas Craft and Vendor Event

Treat yourself to a fun day out to shopping while supporting some amazing youth who access Kingston Youth Unlimited.

Youth Unlimited teaches, motivates and encourages all youth to make a difference in their world.

We will have a donation station set up where we will be collecting new toiletries, socks, blankets and warm winter accessories (gloves, mitts, scarves and hats) for the youth who access the services at Youth Unlimited.

Halloween Vendors Market and Craft Fair

Join us at the Princess St United Church and treat yourself to a fun day out to shopping and raffles while supporting some great organizations.

We will have a donation station set up where we will be collecting new toiletries, socks, underwear, school snacks and nonperishable foods which will be distributed to local shelters and non-profit agencies we support.


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