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Sweater Weather Get Together

THE RETURN OF SHOW STOPPERS!!! The best and most creative local businesses jump onboard at this gorgeous venue to host a holiday inspired event. SHOP.SAMPLE.SIP meet and greet some of Ottawa’s best entrepreneurs and innovators.

JOIN US for a HOLIDAY inspired brunch as well at the WORKING TITLE CAFE located in this gorgeous venue.

Halloween Networking Cocktail party-Bosses Helping Bosses & LWL

Conjure up a magical evening of networking and entrepreneurial fun with good music vibes and chill beats, Halloween treats and adult and refreshing drinks. Dress to impress Bosses. Appetizers and small bites as well. One complimentary drink with every ticket.

Buy tickets by email transfer to get on the guest list and take advantage of our Early Bird deal but tickets will also be available at the door.


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