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Sundance Artisan Show

Celebrating its 12th year, Sundance Studio Tour is an Artisan Show held in Maberly, Ontario. 40 artists converge at the corner of Hwy 7 and County Rd 36, behind Fall River Restaurant (along the beautiful Fall River) to present to you their latest creations.

Bayridge Public School Craft and Bake Sale

The Bayridge Public School, School Council is hosting our 4th Annual Craft & Bake Sale! Join us on Saturday December 1st between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to find a one of a kind gift.

In addition to many talented artisans, our sale will feature a silent auction, a bake sale, a kids zone and more.

Orleans Artisan Market

Local handmade products by vendors who give back by volunteering, donating product or sales to charity, or have an environmental focus (organic, upcycled/recycled product) to their business. A $2 donation collected at the door by the Help Santa Toy Parade.


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