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Indigenous Arts Festival & Marketplace
The INDIGENOUS FALL FESTIVAL is here! October 28 & 29th at St.Laurent Shopping Centre in Ottawa!
SHOP with dozens of Indigenous vendors!
Grab your Christmas list and SUPPORT INDIGENOUS PEOPLES this year!
Grab your Christmas list and SUPPORT INDIGENOUS PEOPLES this year!
PERFORMANCES all weekend!
Saturday, October 28th
11 am Performance: Throat Singers, Tracy and Kendra
12 pm Performance: Hoop Dancer Makhena Rankin Guerin
1 pm Performance: Métis Dance Troupe, Lyons sisters
3 pm Performance: singer, Karonhianonha Mikayla Francis
6 pm Performance: Hoop Dancer Makhena Rankin Guerin
7 pm Performance: singer, Karonhianonha Mikayla Francis
Saturday, October 28th
11 am Performance: Throat Singers, Tracy and Kendra
12 pm Performance: Hoop Dancer Makhena Rankin Guerin
1 pm Performance: Métis Dance Troupe, Lyons sisters
3 pm Performance: singer, Karonhianonha Mikayla Francis
6 pm Performance: Hoop Dancer Makhena Rankin Guerin
7 pm Performance: singer, Karonhianonha Mikayla Francis
Sunday Oct 29th:
11 am Opening Address: Students of Akwesasne Freedom School
12 pm Performance: Singer, songwriter, Theresa Bear fox
1 pm Performance: Métis Dance Troupe, Lyons sisters
2 pm Performance: Hoop DAncer, Feryn King
3 pm Performance: singer, Karonhianonha Mikayla Francis
4 pm Auction Winners will be announced
11 am Opening Address: Students of Akwesasne Freedom School
12 pm Performance: Singer, songwriter, Theresa Bear fox
1 pm Performance: Métis Dance Troupe, Lyons sisters
2 pm Performance: Hoop DAncer, Feryn King
3 pm Performance: singer, Karonhianonha Mikayla Francis
4 pm Auction Winners will be announced
Watch demonstration by:
Carrie Hill, Traditional Sweet Grass and Black Ash Basketmaker
Natasha Smoke Santiago, traditional clay pottery and visual artist
Kaherisakhe Crystal Henry, Facless / Corn Husk Dolls
Watch demonstration by:
Carrie Hill, Traditional Sweet Grass and Black Ash Basketmaker
Natasha Smoke Santiago, traditional clay pottery and visual artist
Kaherisakhe Crystal Henry, Facless / Corn Husk Dolls
Place your bid and take home you win. Winners announced at 4pm on Sunday, October 29th. Be there to pick up your prize!
Place your bid and take home you win. Winners announced at 4pm on Sunday, October 29th. Be there to pick up your prize!
This year contribute to Marleen Murphy’s Annual Purse Drive for Indigenous Women in need. Bring a purse full of women’s hygienic products like tampons, pads, skin care, hair care and whatever you think you would need if you were walking in their moccasins.
This year contribute to Marleen Murphy’s Annual Purse Drive for Indigenous Women in need. Bring a purse full of women’s hygienic products like tampons, pads, skin care, hair care and whatever you think you would need if you were walking in their moccasins.
Akwesasne Freedom School Fundraiser! Find Konwanahktotha Elvera Sargent and support our community’s only private full-Mohawk immersion school.
This event is Indoors.