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I’ve been getting a lot of compliments on my lights that I’ve been using as Ifs, Ands, or Buttons – and a good number of people asking me about my solutions. For the sake of ease of reference, I’m writing this quick post with what I’ve found that works for me!
Lighting at shows can be tough. Electricity is often unavailable (or only available at an extra cost), running wires can be challenging, and finding something that works in all situations can be a conundrum. Additionally, you want something that adds to your display without being clunky, cumbersome, or ugly.

Full disclosure, I can’t take credit for discovering these lights. Angela (better known as Misneach, who makes amazing tartan and tweed bags) recommended them to me after listening to me complain about the ones I was trying to use before (they required being plugged in, didn’t stay upright, and were just sad). These lights fixed all those problems.
I initially bought these lights for us at shows in darker halls, outdoor shows that ran late, and other non-ideal lighting scenarios. Lately, however, I have been using them every show. They highlight my buttons beautifully, draw attention to my display and provide me with a better light to work with. I positively love them.

I use these lights with a power bank (each power bank can power three). These lights can also be powered using 4 AA batteries, however, I don’t recommend that option. They burn through batteries quickly and the light isn’t anywhere near as bright. There’s a decent number of different banks out there, at a variety of price points. I use these Anker brand ones.
Back in the not-so-distant-and-possibly-still-present-past I played Ingress, Pokemon Go, and Wizards Unite (the Harry Potter game). These games are incredibly battery hungry, so I have experience trying a variety of these packs. I’ve had one of my Ankers for over 9 years and it’s still going strong. It holds a charge as well as it did when I first got it, and for me, that makes it worth the additional upfront investment.
That being said, there are numerous less expensive options available on Amazon – check out the related items and shop around.
Are you going to check these out and give them a try? Or what do you currently use? We’d love to hear what you use to illuminate your displays! is an online resource that offers a comprehensive calendar of craft and vendor shows and a vendor directory. Currently serving Eastern Ontario and the National Capital Region, works to connect vendors, organizers, and shoppers with opportunities that work for them.